Today I want to share with you about the action in my program: Lights????, Camera????, Action????.
After all, that is why we sign up for anything: to change, and take action.
I recently returned from filming at a week-long event. It was so much work, and also so much fun. Transformations, hearing stories and truly executing my mission in the world; I help coaches be seen, heard, and tell better stories.
As I went through this week there were so many stories that happened to me, or that were shared with me. One I wanted to share today happened on the last day of the event.
Story time:
I was setting up in a new area, at a different hotel than I’d been filming at all week. Some parts of my set up are more complex, but this day I only needed a small amount of support from the hotel to get everything ready.
I was chatting with the on-site AV technician who just recently graduated from film school. She was talking about all the big dreams she had, and the projects she wanted to do someday. Then she said something interesting.
“I just don’t know how to get past imposter syndrome. I have my degree, I have the knowledge, but I am not sure what is next.”
Now, I am intimately familiar with imposter syndrome. He’s made a habit of checking in with me at every level of my career.
He especially likes to swing in when I’m doing something that feels incredibly vulnerable and new (like showing up on video, or making a new offer, or a change that happens inside the industry or inside my business.)
When something like this happens, I know he will check in. If I’m honest about it, I know that it’s his way of seeing if what is happening is safe. But mostly it feels like that uncle on the movie “Home Alone” who says, “Look what you did, ya little jerk!”
It usually doesn’t feel helpful.
The AV tech looked at me, as if she wanted to say “How do I actually make it?”
Here is what I told her:
“The best way I’ve found to get out of imposter syndrome… Actually do the thing.”
When I start doing the thing, I can figure out very quickly that:
1.) I am probably not an imposter, because I am doing it. (As one of my friends said to me, actual imposters don’t have imposter syndrome.)
2.) I actually know more than my brain wants me to believe.
3.) Creating gets energy flowing and creates momentum.
So, today let’s take some action????. Let’s do the thing.
And if you’re ready for some help, join my program, Lights, Camera, Action. Where we turn on all the lights in your brain, Focus the camera of you mind where you want to go, and then take Action to get there. I’ll help you use video to get you back time, and reach more audiences, so you can be seen, heard, and tell better stories.