Lights, Camera, Action, Start Here.

Getting the lighting right in your setup can be tricky. What about camera angles and sound? This video goes into some detail about how I think about video, and how you can achieve your objectives.

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Free Storytelling Guide

This free Storytelling Guide will help you communicate with your audience on an emotional level and inspire their next action: to sign up, to buy, and to change their lives for the better.

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You need video — I’m your guy

Hi, I’m Matt Kjar- an Emmy award winning photographer and producer who found coaching when I was going through my own existential expansion, (watch more about that here) and knew that coaching was, well, life-changing.

I had over 20 years of experience working in television, interviewing celebrities, working with the Olympics, and telling people’s stories, but this was different. Coaching felt more mind-bending than what I’d experienced before, and I knew I had to help get this work out into the world.

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